Extra assistance to showcase your business

“Knowing I have the support of experts to help me run events so people know what my business is all about is priceless.”

Silver membership gives you the opportunity to host a GSBN networking event designed to showcase your business to help highlight your unique business services and expertise to the Greater Shepparton business community.

The Greater Shepparton Business Network support team will assist you with your event to ensure it hits the audience and market you most wish to target.

Additional Silver member benefits

Invitation to host one member networking event annually
Opportunity to showcase your business at this networking event
Assistance with event management
Event hosting catering credit valued at $250

In addition you enjoy all the benefits of General Membership

Greater Shepparton Business Excellence Awards Gala Event

10% discount on purchase of tickets for the Greater Shepparton Business Excellence Awards gala dinner (maximum 10 tickets)


Monthly investment +GST
Become a Member


Annual investment +GST
Become a Member

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Key Membership Benefits

Full membership of Greater Shepparton Business Network (GSBN)
Sole Trader membership of Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (valued at $249.00+gst)
Two free Victorian Chamber self paced E-Learning online training courses
Access to Victorian Chamber Grant Finder - government grant application resources
Access to Victorian Chamber After Dark networking events
Access to member discounts on participation in Victorian Chamber training programmes
Regular networking opportunities with fellow members
Access to all GSBN coordinated networking events - 2 free events
Priority notification of all GSBN hosted special events
10% discount on up to two tickets on any ticketed events coordinated by GSBN
Ability to participate in all GSBN and Victorian Chamber member surveys
Access to exclusive GSBN and Victorian Chamber member only offers
Regular GSBN Newsletter and electronic communications